Provider identification (Imprint)

Siebert Luftfahrtbedarf GmbH

Rektoratsweg 40
48159 Münster

Phone: +49 (0) 251 92 45 9 -3

Managing Director
Thomas Siebert

Commercial register entry
Local Court Münster, HRB 5410

VAT identification number
DE 812 621 565

WEEE registration number
DE 94872987

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Thomas Siebert
c/o Siebert Luftfahrtbedarf GmbH
Rektoratsweg 40
48159 Münster

Dispute resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which can be found at We are not obliged or willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

Terms of use
This website is subject to the following terms of use, which are bindingly agreed upon in the relationship between you (hereinafter: "user") and us (hereinafter: "service provider") when you access this website. Insofar as special conditions for individual uses of this website deviate from the following terms of use, this will be expressly indicated at the appropriate place on the website. The special terms of use shall then apply in addition in the respective individual case.

1. Copyrights
This website contains data, information, image files, texts of all kinds as well as manuals offered for download, information material and linked videos, which are protected by trademark and/or copyright in favor of the service provider or also in favor of third parties. It is therefore not permitted to download, reproduce and distribute the website in its entirety or individual parts thereof, with the exception of technically induced reproduction for the purpose of browsing, insofar as this action does not serve any commercial purposes, as well as permanent reproduction for one's own use. It is furthermore permitted to set a link to this website, as long as it serves solely as a cross-reference. The service provider reserves the right to revoke this permission. Framing of this website is not permitted.

2. Liability for contents
The service provider assumes liability for the content of its website in accordance with the statutory provisions. Although the information has been compiled to the best of our knowledge, no liability is accepted for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the information contained on the website. The information available on these Internet pages is not a substitute for individual advice, but is merely intended to provide general information. References and links to third-party websites do not mean that the service provider adopts the content behind the reference or link as its own. The content does not constitute any responsibility on the part of the service provider for the data and information provided there. The service provider has no influence on the content behind the link. The service provider is therefore not liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content or for damage caused by the use of content behind the link.

3. Service interferences
The use of the Internet is at the user's own risk. In particular, the Service Provider shall not be liable for the technical failure of the Internet or access to the Internet.

4. Place of Jurisdiction
If the contractual partner is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the place of jurisdiction shall be at the registered office of the service provider. German law shall apply to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

5. Miscellaneous
The Service Provider reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use from time to time and to adapt them to technical and legal developments. The User shall be informed separately of such changes.

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