Find a selection of our top products for gliding here.. Everything from pilot's personal gear, glider maintenance, safety equipment, common wear parts like tires to winch and aircraft towing equipment. In addition you will find many other products for gliding in the main sections of our shop.
Glider pilots have special requirements for aeronautical charts. Most gliders are equipped with metric altimeters and airspeed indicators. Maps in the metric system are easier to use in flight.
Gear for the pilot & cockpit
For well-being and comfort in the cockpit
This category includes a selection of popular products for more comfortable flying, such as hydration packs, heated soles, clothing and sunglasses.
Products for the glider
Products for maintenance
Aircraft maintenance includes the replacement of wearing parts such as tires, tubes, mylar tapes or broken canopy rails.
Find more tire sizies in our category airfield & aircraft
Aircraft logbooks and Pilot logbooks for your documentation.
Entertaining and informative books
Literature for glider pilots
Books for browsing, learning and further education
Safety equipment
Everything for flight safety
Rescue parachutes, emergency transmitters as ELT for permanent installation or PLB for personal safety as well as the tracking and messaging system SPOT.
Radios & Power Supply
In this category you will find a selection of on-board radios that are suitable for gliders, as well as batteries for the on-board power supply and chargers. We carry radios and other avionics made by Trig, f.u.n.k.e, Becker, TQ Avionics and Air Avionics.
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Collision avoidance
For a safe flying experience
Collision warning systems are increasing flight safety significantly. Almost all gliders are now equipped with FLARM systems. In addition to FLARM, modern systems also include traffic warnings by ADS-B in. ADS-B out as an active warning for other aircraft can be implemented in gliding by upgrading many transponders.
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The product is being ordered for you. The expected delivery time is 2 week(s)
Oxygen systems
For safe flights in high altitudes
Delivery time on request - Contact us
Delivery time on request - Contact us
Pressure probes
Precise pressure probes for gliders
Total energy nozzles and multi-probes with total energy , static and total pressure
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Gilder instruments
Compasses altimeters, variometers, airspeed indicators and instrument accessories
Winch & Aerotow
Everything for safe winch launches and aircraft tows
The largest selection of gliding equipment.